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SM: Miniature universe




Experience to no.0000 and no.0009

Alicia:*sees Neo in front of the church's front door and walks up behind him* Good morning, Neo! *smiles*

Neo: Morning! *turns around with a smile, tail wagging happily. The air was warm and here and there, like little flowers, yellow leaves where scattered in the grass* It's pretty isn't it? *smiles*

Alicia: *returns a smile* It indeed is. *sits down on the grass, ears flopped in enjoyment* Say say, it's boring just sit around here.  Should we go on an adventure today? *Eyes glinting with excitement*

Neo: Adventure? *eyes light up* Sure! I'd love to! *tail wags even more quickly* Where are we going?

Alicia: Eh? Well... *tilts her head and counts with her fingers* We picked apples last time, and there are mushrooms in the forest, also we've never been to the beach...*claps her hands* I know! Let's explore the cave by the seashore! *grins brightly*

Neo: Ah, that sounds great! *smiles excitedly and turns to face the direction where sea is, ready to walk* I've never been in a cave before.  

Alicia: *swings her tail* Me neither. I never tried to go there, in fact. *walks with Neo* Maybe there is a kraken occupying the cave, heehee.

Neo: Seriously? *he looks frightened* --Does it eat cumimis?

Alicia: *shapes her hands like claws* It eats EVERYTHING that goes near it! *seeing Neo's frightened expression* Hahahah! I'm just joking! *giggles and pats Neo on the shoulder* There is no such thing like that!

Neo: Eeek-- *looks even more scared, then breathes out in relief, when she tells it's just a joke. Glances at her eyes for a longer while, then breathes out again, confirming that it really was a joke* Gosh-- such things are really scary.

Alicia: *scoffs lightly* Heh, we've even dealt with malicious ghosts, so be strong, will you? *grins* *hears sounds of wave pounding on rocks* Ah! We are almost here, Neo! *eyes light up*

Neo: Ghosts and monsters are two veeery different things. *says seriously* --Yup! *smiles and dashes into a run to reach the sea as quickly as possible*

Alicia: *follows Neo to the water, laughing as the wave drenched her shoes, but she does seem to mind* This is all new to me.  I've never really came this close to the sea.

Neo: Really? *surprised, but skillfully evading the waves from getting his feet wet* There are places without sea in the world?

Alicia: Oh yes, you can't see oceans very often where I grew up. I would have never seen the sea if I didn't travel with that circus once.*laughs*Oh, is that it? *sees a cave in some distance*

Neo: Circus? *tilts head lightly, not aware what it is, then spots a lime-stone cave. A small stream of water flows in the middle of it, but both sides seem dry and wide enough for one to walk. Nods at her question, thinking that must be it.*

Alicia: *eyes sparkle in excitement* Heehee, let's get in there! *soon reaches the cave.  The cave is dark inside, the sun only lit up a small area close to the entrance. The small stream continued deep into the cavern.*  Hmm, I don't think it'd be a good idea to enter so imprudently, especially when there is no light. *turns around and asks Neo* Neo, do you think we can make a torch?

Neo: Hmm... *looks around and sees some dry branches on the shore* I don't have oil or lighter on me, so the best we can get is probably a burning stick...  

Alicia: *pouts* That is not going to work... *sighs* Looks like we will just have to walk in the dark.  Let's walk on the side and be careful with our steps. *walks in and places a hand on the cave wall.*  Don't trip, Neo.

Neo: Oka-- *trips over a bigger rock and falls in Alicia's direction*  

Alicia: *almost falls to the ground as Neo fell on her back* Whoa--! *balances herself and turns to Neo* Are you alright?

Neo: Sorry, *gets back on his feet firmly* I'll try to pay more attention, *almost trips again, he was even more clumsy in the dark*

Alicia: *thinks for a few seconds* Here, hold my hand.  I will be at the front. *reaches out her left hand* Now we won't lose each other in the dark.

Neo: *takes it, forgetting his own ability* All right, *answers happily*

Alicia:*walks slowly, careful with anything that she might trip on.  The cave is going deeper and deeper, and the light on their backs cannot be seen anymore as the path takes a turn.  The stream flows beside them*  *stops* I wonder how deep it goes. *shouts loudly* Ahhhh!!! *sound echos * Hmm, seems like it runs way deeper that it looked.  It took the echo a while to resonate.

Neo: *feels safe behind her, from her hand he is able to read which places are safe to step on* Sounds pretty deep... *says and squints his eyes to look in the dark, further away he notices a faint glow What's there? Is it a monster? he thinks and these thoughts are transmitted to Alicia through telepathy*

Alicia: *turns around, looking confused* Did you just speak, Neo? *sees the faint glow in the distance* Wow... What can that be? Let's check it out. *holds his hand tightly to give him some courage*

Neo: Ah--I.. * Crap, I didn't speak... his thoughts get transmitted. He doesn't wish to let go of her hand though- the possibility of monster being there and all - but he still follows.*

Alicia: What the... *turns around, puzzled. I'm sure two Neos just spoke at once... She thought. Is there a ghost or something haunting this place? Or...* Who are you? *steps back and lets go of Neo's hand, her eyes sternly locked with Neo's* Are you really Neo? Now to think about it, you never tripped after you came deeper inside... You are definitely not Neo! *sparks of anger of being tricked burned in her blue eyes* Where is the real Neo?

Neo: There are no two Neo's and.. I hope there isn't a ghost here... *looks around fearfully, clearly having heard her thoughts* I'm the reeeal Neeeeo. *becomes teary eyed*

Alicia: *frowns* You could hear my thoughts? *looks at him incredulously*  

Neo: Ah--um--*tries to think of any explanation, but fails to find it* ...Yes. *admits looking very apologetic, his stance slumping, ears lowering and tail down, almost like waiting for her to attack. Ever since he heard about that one cumimi in the past from Kirie, he was very afraid that if anyone found out, he would be hated and abandoned.* I'm sorry. *tears started rolling down his cheeks*  

Alicia: *her countenance softens as she confirms that this is the real Neo* S-sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or... *looks lost and doesn't know what to do* I-it's alright! I mean, I don't mind as long as there isn't any real ghosts here... I know you didn't mean to... I-I, uh.... *She starts to mumble and stutters, finally walks up and wipes his tears away gently, remembering the cumimi Kirie once talked about, who has the ability of reading minds. So Neo has the same ability. She thought*

Neo: *surprised that Alicia doesn't seem angry Don't you hate me? his thoughts transmit, since she is touching his cheeks. It's not the same, he thinks* I can't do anything as fancy as messing with heads, at first I could only hear thoughts and see memories at touch, now I can hear if I concentrate or look into eyes and when I touch *lightly touches her hand You can hear me, right?*  

Alicia: *tilts her head and smiles warmly, even though Neo can't see it in the dark* Why would you resist such an extraordinary gift? *I can hear you just alright. She gives him a reassuring pat on the back of his hand, Neo is still Neo, isn't that right?  Why would I hate you? *

Neo: *since he feels Alicia's hand, he doesn't bother speaking and simply thinks Isn't it creepy, when someone can know what you think? And maybe when time passes I become able to mess with other's heads - isn't that scary? I don't want others to hate me. It's really scary when others leave. with this thought a bit of his memory passes along - a scene of him crying by his grandmothers corpse at a small wooden house, where sound of waves can be heard*

Alicia: *holds Neo's hand tightly, passing some warmth to him, Hahah, it sure is new to have someone to talk in your mind.  I have to admit, your ability is something magnificent... But I know,  Neo won't let people to use it for bad purposes.  After all, you are such a warm person... she remembers how Neo caused so much trouble for the priest, and laughs light-heartedly, ...Even though you are such a troublesome kid as well. *

Neo:*smiles warmly with gratitude, even if it's dark and can't be seen Thank you! I like you a lot! he thinks and hugs her tightly* I'm still scared to tell others, though. *he adds, his eyes catching the glow in front again*

Alicia: That's fine, you make decisions for yourself, anyway. *gives him an encouraging smile, and she is sure that the feeling is received by him as they are holding hands again* Alright, let's head for the glow.  *with another turn of their path, the glow becomes stronger and they see what lies before them* Whoa...!

Neo: *nods, now feeling incredibly light. The heaviness of keeping a secret had disappeared and he felt free.* Whoa! *stops and looks with wide eyes*

Alicia: *she stares at the cave, astonished and speechless.  Innumerous glowworms are resting on the cave wall, as if this cavern has held a whole constellation within it.  The little insects seem to be startled by their presence, scattering all around them.* This... This is beautiful... *the blue glow reflects in her eyes, and a smile blooms on her lips*

Neo: *It is..., agrees completely, doesn't talk to avoid bothering the glowworms, knowing Alicia would hear what he thinks and looks down on the stream. It reflects the light and it seems as if stars were both above them and below. I was dumb to think there would be monsters here... he thought, not able to avert his eyes*  

Alicia: *I wish I could have keep this as a picture... amused, she laughs quietly, If all monsters look like this, I'd search all over the world for them. The glowworms seem to be curious of the two 'guests.' They surrounded the two cumimis like a cluster of stars*

Neo: *If monsters really are like this, then I would search for them too thinks and tries to stop his tail from wagging with all the shiny bugs around them, but fails at it. Neo wasn't good at hiding his emotions.*

Alicia: *tries not to laugh, but to no success. If we follow the water, we can probably find an exit.  Let's see. She starts walking down the stream, and the fireflies follow them spontaneously, lighting up their pathway*

Neo: *laughs as well, then looks at them flying and smiles widely. Yup, I think so too, he thinks and keeps walking, after some time the sound of wind blowing and leaves rustling resounds in the cave and soon enough a small spot of light appears in front. Exit?*

Alicia: * It must be. She goes towards the bright, golden light, and an opening appears before them.  Their little friends stop following, preferring the darkness over the bright sun. It's time to say goodbye to them, I think. The girl turns around and waves at the glowworms.* Thank you for lighting up the way!

Neo: Thank yoou! *bows. The fireflies ruffled away and they were left alone in a middle of a forest, the stream of water got deeper as it went up from the cave and turned into a small river. I know this river! Further up, there's a small bridge, old priest feeds some fish there in the mornings.*

Alicia: *jumps into the air* Yay!! We made it out! Hahahah! *exhales contentedly* Phew! That was soooo much fun, Neo! *turns around and gives him a big hug* It really was a great idea to go on an adventure! We can go home and tell everyone what we saw today! *eyes gleaming with happiness*

Neo: *hugs her back happily* Yes! Let's take everyone here sometime! *spins her around a couple of turns*

Alicia: *laughs happily* I will race you to the bridge! *dashes out, making a face*

Neo: *runs after her and trips on a root soon enough*

Alicia: *slows down as she realizes that he tripped and lifts him up in the air with her mind* Guessed as much, Mr. Clumsy-and-you-know-it, heehee! *runs in front of him, carrying him in the air*

Neo: *is being lifted up* I'm flying! *seems to be enjoying it, even if his nose bleeds a bit, after his fall. Soon enough they come close to a small wooden bridge, with fine, but stable looking railing on both sides. At this point, the stream has aleady formed into a pretty narrow river. Some cattails grew on the sides with fine brown heads, some movement was going around under the surface of water - possibly fish.*

Alicia: *slowly lowers Neo to the ground, marveling at the light reflecting off the river's surface* Have you ever seen this place from this side of the river, Neo?

Neo: *nods* I loiter around here a lot, especially at nights. *stands up and brushes away the blood from his nose, luckily it wasn't bleeding anymore*  

Alicia: *frowns lightly* At nights? But it is far away from the church, you should be more careful with these strolls.

Neo: *waves hand lightly* Not at all, it's actually very close - if you take that path *points to a path between pine trees* you'll come out on the back side of the house like in five minutes.

Alicia: *pouts* Still... *sits on the bridge and swings her legs casually* After Carim, I don't quite trust this place anymore. Not to mention that eel cumimi-- he is probably still wandering in the vicinity of our church. *shakes her head to get rid of the thoughts*

Neo: *sits next to her* Hmm - even if it's not very safe, I think it's good to know your surroundings... *shakes head when she talks about that eel cumimi* I have a feeling that he's not here anymore, if he was - he would already be like... twenty years old? ((12+10 is not twenty, but he's not good at maths))

Alicia: *decides to ignore his math mistake, since the eel cumimi indeed should be twenty plus.*  You think that? Well, Kirie told us that she saw him around just a while ago-- we should still keep our guards up.*hops down the bridge's side and fetches a handkerchief from her pocket and dips it in the river water, comes back and hands it to Neo* Here, wipe the blood off your nose.

Neo: *nods* Did she... I think she meant it to be a long time ago. *takes the handkerchief and wipes off his nose, even if the blood was not flowing anymore, his face was still dirty from the flow*

Alicia: *knocks Neo's head lightly* Silly! She said that cumimi caused some trouble for the priest, remember? *sighs* How are you still alive, being so naive and simple-minded...*her ears pricks up and down with the wave of her emotions* I guess you are lucky, out of all of us. *scratches her cheek*

Neo: Ouch-- yeah, now that you mention it. *nods, remembering* Well, at least from all my walks around here I can say that I haven't spotted him yet, I haven't spotted any humans either - I sometimes see Lin taking walks or Priest coming here, occasionally Maria and Talaha, but no outsiders. *tilts head* I wonder if I'm lucky... maybe. *smiles*

Alicia: *pats his head and smiles light-heartedly* You definitely are lucky, Neo.  Maybe, being alive is lucky already. *swishes tail and stretches* Ahh~! We should get going now.  Would you like to show me the shortcut? *giggles* This could be a secret base or some sort from now on.  I will definitely come back and visit those 'stars.'

Neo: Probably, *says with a light smile. Before there had been times when he wished granny would have taken him with her, but now he doesn't feel that way anymore. He feels happy to be in this place.* Suure! *he grins and runs up among the pine trees, stumbling on the way, but not falling this time* Yep, let's come back sometime.

Psst. If you are wondering how come it is autumn, but there are glowworms hanging around there, then - ..they will be there in winter too, since they aren't exactly alive. Kids don't really know about it yet, though. 

SoulMatch: Alicia [ update for rank 3 ] by Brier-dew SM: Neo by tshuki
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MeyaLee's avatar
This is something truly amazing, those beautiful skies and reflections and the mood... Just wow!